Friday, October 30, 2009

In awe...

I am sitting here at my desk in total awe today.  I cannot believe that it is October 30th...less than four weeks before Thanksgiving and less than eight weeks until Christmas!  Where has the year gone?  Where has the decade gone?  It seems like just last week, I was celebrating my 40th birthday with friends and family; but exactly 13 months from today, I will be celebrating my 50th!!  Dear Lord!  How the hell did that happen?
I am not afraid of getting older, so don't take this blog the wrong way.  I love my life and I look to the future with great hope and excitement for what spirit has in store for me.  And when I come to the end, I want to look back with joy, gratitude, and maybe even a little pride for every moment.  I haven't been perfect and there are a lot of things in my past that I wish I could take back, but they are also a reminder for me as to how far I've come and the direction my life is taking now.
I heard this week of a former co-worker, Margot Berry, that passed away suddenly on Monday evening.  I am sending loving thoughts to her family and friends today.  The funeral is at 3pm this afternoon and I'm unable to attend.  Just another reminder of how fleeting and short life really, we should spend our time wisely.
I am going through this phase at the moment where I find something that I want to study (hypnosis, for example), and I just start taking classes towards it.  Either online or in person.  I have taken 4 classes in hypnosis and have become a certified hypnotist with other certifications in past life regression and smoking cessation.  My current project is taking classes in Reiki healing.  I find it peaceful and relaxing and I want to become a practitioner.  SO many things going on in my spiritual development...many of which I think you would find a little odd, but that's ok I guess.  I find a lot of spiritual beliefs odd...I guess mine are less mainstream, but still no crazier than the notion of an omnipotent power that uses human beings as pawns in epic battle against good and evil that will result in the eventual apocalypse and global rule by an evil anti-Christ.  Go figure!
A quick update on life in general...I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job.  I have a great boss and the work is challenging, though I do struggle with some of the personalities I work with.  James and I are still in wedded bliss and continue to fight the good fight for marriage equality for all gays and lesbians.  Prop 8 will's just a matter of time.  I am lighting candles and sending prayers that Question 1 in Maine will not survive the election next Tuesday as well.  God is already opening hearts and minds across the country against this insane notion that gays and lesbians deserve less than equal treatment in the eyes of the government.  I also pray for myself every day that I can let go of the hurt and bitterness towards those who vote for these hateful initiatives.  Sorry if you disagree, but it impacts my every day life and is not based some antiquated religious beliefs that serve no purpose in a secular law.  See?  There goes that bitterness again...I still have a lot of praying to do. 
Nearly one year after that divisive and hateful election that stripped marriage rights away from my gay brothers and sisters in California, if I could wish anything on those folks who voted for Prop 8 it would be that they one day have to sit in front of a television to see if the Supreme Court decided to dissolve their marriages against their will.  I really wish that those folks could feel that pain because I guarantee it would put compassion in their hearts.
I have been told recently by a good African-American friend that I don't really know what it feels like to be discriminated against because I'm white...and I can hide the fact that I'm gay, but black folks can't hide the fact that they're black.  I don't think hiding the truth is every a good idea.  Living a life in secret and shame is not a healthy way to live; to which my failed suicide attempt in 1991 is a testament.
Sorry...I didn't sit down during this lunch break to wax poetic and spew forth platitudes about gay rights.  I sat down here to tell you all that I love you.  Sincerely, I do...I see the spark of divine in every person I meet.  Sometimes I have to look a little bit deeper to see it, but I always find it in some way.  Even the most villanous heart has a spark of the divine buried somewhere deep inside.  And I am making it my goal to see that spark in every single person I see on a daily basis.
Sharing another pic from the Santa Monica pier where I went to the spiritual conference on October 16th, 17th and 18th!

Blessings and light to you on this glorious day!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A little ditty to say "Hi!"

It’s been a while since my last post. I figured I should come out here and at least say “Hi!” just to keep the blog going.
I’ve been exceptionally busy lately and I am feeling extremely run down today. The past two weeks have been non-stop at work as well as at my real estate biz after hours. I have been trying to make a lot more room for my spiritual endeavors as well and just returned from a magical weekend in Santa Monica with the lovely Lisa Williams. You may have seen Lisa on Lifetime Television’s series called “Life Among the Dead.” Lisa is a gifted medium who will astound you with her accuracy whether or not you believe in that kind of stuff. But she is also an amazing person with a lot of loving energy. I really liked her a lot…she’s funny, warm, and a deeply spiritual person.

The weekend was a spiritual development conference and I came away recharged after spending time with some amazing people. We left Sacramento early on Friday morning and arrived at the Doubletree in Santa Monica on Friday afternoon. Anne-Marie Trout attended the conference with me and we also had the opportunity to meet up with some friends in the area. It’s been a very long time since I had been in Santa Monica…sometime back in the 80’s if I recall. I don’t recall ever having visited the pier before. We ended up having a great dinner at Bubba Gump on Sunday evening before we left to drive back to Sacramento.
So, it has been back to work this week but with a renewed focus on my spiritual growth. I can’t allow myself to get so busy I forget to meditate and pray on a daily basis.
Hope you are all having a great week! Blessings and light to you all!