Saturday, August 23, 2008

So, what's going on with me you may ask...?

Geesh! What isn't going on with me is the more appropriate question!First of all, I love the new job. It's getting very busy and chaotic...and I thrive in that type of environment. I feel like I can at least focus on that and take the opportunity to learn and grow. This is a contract position for 4 months and hopefully will turn into a full-time venture at some point. I may be going to Dallas in mid-October to train on one of their systems. The people are really great and they are so busy that I think they really need me there.
Secondly, I'm wrapping up 'bare' for Artistic Differences next Saturday night. It's been a great run and the show has been a great success for them. I'm not as happy with the show musically as I could've been because we've had some issues, but it's still very good. Last night, I made a major boo boo during a very emotional scene on stage and during a piano solo with no dialog to cover it. My fingers just went to the wrong keys on the piano. Totally embarrassing...ten years of professional experience and I still make stupid mistakes!!
Thirdly, Fiddler opens on September 12th at DMTC. The ensemble cast is very good and I've been impressed with the vocals. Their ability to hold harmonies has been very refreshing and overall, it's a strong cast. I'm concerned about what orchestra pieces we may have. Technically, the show does not use a piano, but I will be playing anyway unless we have an entire 24-piece orchestra.
Fourthly, I'm closing a house sale next week and I'm very excited about that! My friend, Anne-Marie has been waiting for this to close since April 30th!
Most importantly, James and I are shopping for rings and have decided to stop waiting for a date at the Dharma center and we're just going to go to the courthouse and get married as soon as Fiddler opens and we have some evenings free. We will be having a formal reception and celebration at a later date.
I'm ready for Fiddler to open. I over-extended myself again by doing both Fiddler and bare and I'm totally exhausted. I've got a cough that I can't shake which may be turning into pneumonia again. I am trying to make a doctor's appointment for next week. I felt bad that 'bare' added additional performances, but there was no way I could take on any more. I had to let Erik Daniells play those shows. I simply have no more time to give right now.
Fiddler will be my last show for quite some time. I love the cast and absolutely adore Steve and Jan at DMTC...they've been really good to me for these two shows. But, even though I've really enjoyed Little Shop, bare, and Fiddler, I'm just so freaking tired all the time! Man! I need to find a balance!
Mucho congrats are going out to my dear friend, Jeff Nauer, and his fiancee Mary who got engaged last week!