Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hanging out, being cool...

Hi, folks.  It's been a few months since I last blogged.  Too much to do and too little time to do it.  But I thought I would take a few moments to share some things.

My mother was with us from September until this past weekend.  I was sad to see her leave for NC, but honestly...I am very happy to have the house back.  My aunt Sandra was here as well for the past 3 or 4 weeks and basically came to spend a little time before escorting Mom back home.  Mom does not travel well by herself since she depends on help getting around.  Plus, her memory is not where it used to be.  Her dementia doesn't seem to be getting any worse, but she still has a hard time remembering things.

So, we had a great holiday season in the new house and it was great spending quality time with friends and family with a house big enough to entertain.  Even with all the space, the house has been so packed full of people.  Justin (my god son) is living with us and between him, Mom, Sandra, and her great-granddaughter, Adriannah, it's been hard to walk without running into people.  It's nice and quiet now and I'm actually looking forward to Justin leaving for the summer when school is out.

I've taken a part time job as the accompanist for the Loomis First United Methodist Church and I have to say that I love it.  The congregation has been so welcoming and warm.  I look forward to spending time with them each week.  I also play organ and piano for the worship service every Sunday and I look forward to a long and happy time with them.

I was promoted to IT Program Manager at Teleplan last month.  Very excited about this new opportunity.  I'm still feeling my way around my new responsibilities, but so far I am enjoying it.

I am on day two of a vegan (ish) diet to lose the 20 pounds I put on over the holidays.  It has been nearly impossible to diet with Mom and Sandra here, so I decided to start when they left.  I did it for 60 days last year and dropped 18 pounds.  Hoping to do the same this year.

Hope you all are having a great 2013 so far!

1 comment:

  1. You never know when someone will pop into your life and make it better. You have been that for Sam and me, Ray. Even though we will not be able to maintain a face-to-face friendship with you after our move, I hope we will stay connected. You guys have a place in Salem...just say the word!
