Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday in the valley...

BEAUTIFUL weather in Sacramento this weekend.  I am spending this morning looking out my front window at some purple roses growing in my front yard.  They have bloomed beautifully and smell sweet this morning.  My grandmother loved roses...they make me think of her and of how much I miss her since she crossed over 6 years ago this June.  

Two nights ago, I had a long conversation in my sleep with my great aunt Margie.  She reminded me that it has been 20 years this month since she passed away...and she also reminded me of a poem she wrote when I was in my teens.  I put music to it for her over 30 years ago.  She even sang a bit of it for was titled "Stand Me Still" and I haven't thought of it in years.  I have no idea if I have a copy of it or if a copy of it still exists anywhere other than in my mind.  I need to find it...I don't remember many of the words at all.  She sang two lines of it in my dream and that's all I can recall of it.  I'm going to try to jog my memory using some self-hypnosis sessions over the next few days.

I'm also saying goodbye to a dear friend who is about to pass away from cancer.  It's been a tough road for her and she knows that her time here is coming to an end.  This past week has been hard for those of us who love her...but I'm also overjoyed that I have had the opportunity to know her for so many years.  I feel the same about everyone I've known and lost over the course of my lifetime.  God has blessed me in so many ways; and knowing these people has made me a better person.

So, sitting here with my dog, Willow, cuddled next to me on the couch and listening to the sounds of the world outside today...all the while thinking of how blessed I have been to have so many incredible friends and loved ones.  What more is there to want in life?

Not a sad blog today at all...this blog is a celebration of my blessings.  What do you have to be thankful for?  Counting your blessings is a great way to remember just how much we have to be grateful to God for giving us.

Blessings to you on this beautiful day!!

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