Sunday, August 2, 2009

A beautiful morning...

I am sitting here on the couch with my chihuahua-mix, Willow...the doors and windows are open and a refreshing cool breeze is blowing through the house. Everything feels crisp and new this morning. There's a bird chirping in one of the trees in my front yard and a humming bird just came to the feeder and then zoomed off. It's a perfect morning. Peaceful, quiet, serene...James had a cup of coffee and I made some green tea. He's meditating in the back room now and will be heading off to the Dharma center soon.
I'm thoroughly content to sit here on the couch with Willow. No TV or phones are on. I just had the urge to blog, so I picked up the laptop to document these thoughts. I'm going to do my own meditation when James leaves. I hope to get in a good 30-45 minutes this morning. Some of those meditations are intense...I feel tingly and like my spirit is vibrating so fast it's rising out of my body. The pure joy of those sessions and the emotional high afterward are so addicting...but it's the best kind of addiction. I feel a closeness to God, the universe, and to every other human being. It's just hard to explain, but it's incredible. There is this tingling sensation like a surge of energy rushes through my body and I see lights and hear sounds. And there is an overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude and sometimes I swear I can feel the presence of loved ones who have crossed is something I wish everyone would experience.
Yesterday, James and I had Quanna and her family over. It was wonderful to see my god son and his god brother, Harold. Both of them are going on 15 and they are great kids. I really enjoyed seeing them and watching movies on the big screen together as a family.
I haven't really blogged here about it, but I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes about a month ago. I'm doing okay with's harder to watch my diet than I thought it would be, but I am making progress. I have brought my cholesterol down from 226 to 202 this last round of testing. And I'll be honest...I would not have these health issues if I would learn to manage my diet and get motivated to exercise more. If I were to lose 50 or 60 pounds, I wouldn't have to be on blood pressure or diabetic meds. I'm going to try and use hypnosis to make some positive changes on these issues.
We need prayers for a very close family member who is battling cancer. The chemo is overwhelming her right now as she is on a very high dose of these chemicals to help eradicate the disease from her body. It's taking a huge toll and it's a humbling experience for those around her watching her bravely battle this illness. Please send prayers, love, and positive energy her way.
I'm sending out prayers, love and positive energy as well today. Not only to our sick friend, but to all of you. God has made today a special day for some reason. Any day is special, but today seems even more so for some reason. Keep love in your heart for all people...even those who hold different beliefs than you. Regardlesss of whether you disagree with their politics, their lifestyle, their religion...we are all doing the best we can based on our individual experiences and life lessons. I believe in the basic goodness of most people...but we let the actions of the minority sculpt our opinion of the majority. We have become a superficial, skeptical, and distrusting society...and we blame everyone else for society's ills when the truth is we could fix it all today if everyone would learn to love thy neighbors instead of judging them.
I'm sounding like an old hippie today...sending out blessings to you all!!

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