I attract only positive relationships in my life. I surround myself with loving and caring friends and distance myself from negative people.
I had to use this over the weekend. I read a post from someone on FaceBook that included a link to a very negative blog set up to "pan" theater performances in this area. The person(s) who writes this blog seems to take joy in anonymously criticising local community and professional theater companies and taking pot shots at performers...many of whom are close friends of mine.
Of course, my first thought was to react in anger and write negative, hurtful comments on the blog; but, then it dawned on me that this is exactly the type of energy the person is trying to create. This person thrives on the attention, the drama, and the negativity. Otherwise, why post a public blog and keep your identity a secret while throwing all this junk out to the world? It serves no purpose but to build one's self up by tearing other people down. Quite frankly, the person who wrote this did it to stir up sh*t...whether out of jealousy, a sense of superiority, or a combination of the two.
If it were written with constructive criticism in mind, it might be a different story. It's not. The energy from this blog reads (and pardon me for saying it this way) like a stereotypical sarcastic drama queen.
So, I have promised myself not to visit this website again and I encourage you to do the same. I've said this before...where attention goes, energy flows. Giving any recognition or posting links to this blog does nothing but stroke the writer's ego and encourages more of his or her behavior. Those who get a thrill from this negativity will continue to stir it up and they (along with the blog's author) will reap the results of the negative karma.
And besides...the more you stir sh*t, the worse it stinks. Lord knows I've stirred my share of it in my lifetime. It's best to let it go.
I send you love and light on this beautiful day and encourage you all to continue sharing your wonderful talents with the world.